Wednesday, June 3, 2009

yay genderlabel!


I am

activist, amorous, beautiful, big sister, blessed, brunette, confidant, Democrat, daughter, dominant, esoteric, female, female-souled, feminist, femme, friend, full of love, hippychick, intelligent, LGBTQIOPPS, lover, loving, man-loving, misstery, multifacetted, niece, outspoken, pan-romantic, panamorous, passionate, peopleemotional, peopleplatonic, peoplesexual, polycurious, priestess, pro-choice, pro-gay, pro-life, pro-sex feminist, queer liberationist, queer-friendly, queer-minded, quirkyalone, recreational gender blender, sacred whore, sapiosexual, self-defined, sex positive, sexy, she-geek, spiritual, survivor, switch, treehugger

Who are you?

After taking the "quiz" - mostly an interesting look into vocabulary and identity involving HELLA checkboxes - you can view the "who chose what" statistics. The interestingest thing I've done in a while - thanks to Sinclair for posting it!

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