Like a lot of single
Today is Self-Love day, and I've spent it helping elementary schoolers with science projects, falling more in love with this city, and getting my Shakespeare gender-bender on in true queer-English-geek form. And of course, memeing. (es de daisy, one of the upper echelon of awesome blogistas in my life.)
Self Love Day 09!
1.) Post one of them thar banners on your blog and declare February 14th as the day you not only love your one and only, but the day that you love yourself!
2.) Post one nice thing about yourself……then ask others to post one thing that they really like about you.
3.) Enjoy yourself!
So, something nice about myself:
This sounds arrogant, cliche, hella Xian, or all of the above, but: my faith will get me through so, so much. It seems strange to me when people say "My faith got me through it", as though it's a last resort or a crutch, as though life wasn't made of faith. I sometimes feel like I've got an umbilical cord to the Universe, providing a context and Eagle's eyes for all of my actions. It's a weight sometimes, especially in this culture, but always a blessing. My faith doesn't get me through things, it pulls me to them, the one untangled thread in the loom of crazy that sometimes inhabits my brain.
Also, petty-nice thing--I think I have really, really pretty hair.
Now is the time to ask--any lurkers have nice things to say about me, themselves, the universe, etc ad inf? Do so :) Mwah!-mwah!s to all my relations. -t
Your word choices, in the blog but extra-much in your poems, hit that spot-on, perfect place of evocative and powerfully directness that conveys thoughts so true and sweet they are like bells.
...Whereas I type "powerfully directness", hit send, then cringe:)
"bells" is/are good.
thanks for the lurve daisy-may <3
What I love about Theresa:
The food she bakes
Her earthiness
Her taste in music
Her connection with her family's land and grandparent's home.
Her insight and intuition
Her sensitivity
Her tenacity
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